komlogd can be used as a library to add Komlog functionalities into your applications.


komlogd uses asyncio internally, so your application must run an asyncio loop to be able to use it.

Session initialization

To stablish a Komlog session we need:

  • Komlog user.
  • RSA key.


komlogd creates a RSA key during its First execution.

To open a session with Komlog, create a KomlogSession object with your username and private key and call the login method:

import asyncio
from komlogd.api import session, crypto

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def example():
    komlog_session=session.KomlogSession(username=username, privkey=privkey)
    await komlog_session.login()
    # At this point session is stablished.
    # If you need this task to wait in the loop while session is open:
    # await komlog_session.t_loop

    # To close the session:
    await komlog_session.close()


komlogd stablishes a web sockets connection with Komlog and internally manages reconnections.


You need to authorize your agent previously on Komlog web, as explained in komlogd authorization.

Sending data to Komlog

Every metric you upload to Komlog is identified with its uri. Based on this uri, Komlog organize your metrics in a tree like structure. We call this structure the user’s data model. Every metric in your data model can take different values at different timestamps. We call each of these values a sample.

You can create two types of metrics in Komlog:

  • Datasource
  • Datapoint

A metric is created automatically the first time you upload data to it and its type is stablished at this moment too. You cannot modify the metric type. If you need to modify it, you have to delete the metric and create it again with a different type.

Datasource metrics

A datasource is used to store texts. You can upload any text whose length is less or equal 130KB.

In this example you can see how to send a sample of a datasource metric:

import asyncio
import pandas as pd
from komlogd.api import session, crypto
from komlogd.api.model.orm import Datasource, Sample

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def send_datasource_sample():
    # connect to Komlog
    komlog_session=session.KomlogSession(username=username, privkey=privkey)
    await komlog_session.login()

    # prepare datasource sample
    data='Datasource content'
    ts = pd.Timestamp('now',tz='Europe/Madrid')
    metric = Datasource(uri=uri)
    sample = Sample(metric=metric, ts=ts, data=data)

    # send sample and exit
    await komlog_session.close()


Datapoint metrics

A datapoint metric is used to store numerical values. You can use any type of numerical variables, like int, float or Decimal (we don’t support values without numerical representation like infinity, NaN, etc).

In this fragment you can see how to send two samples associated to a pair of datapoint metrics:

import asyncio
import pandas as pd
from komlogd.api import session, crypto
from komlogd.api.model.orm import Datapoint, Sample

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def send_datapoint_samples():
    # connect to Komlog
    komlog_session=session.KomlogSession(username=username, privkey=privkey)
    await komlog_session.login()

    # prepare datapoint samples
    samples = []
    ts = pd.Timestamp('now',tz='Europe/Berlin')
    metric1 = Datapoint(uri='cpu.system')
    metric2 = Datapoint(uri='cpu.user')
    samples.append(Sample(metric=metric1, ts=ts, data=14.63))
    samples.append(Sample(metric=metric2, ts=ts, data=28.5))

    # send samples and exit
    await komlog_session.close()


Every metric in your data model is considered an independent time serie, so every sample you upload must be associated with a timestamp. The timestamp is set by the user, so you can upload samples associated with a timestamp in the past or in the future.

The timestamp can be any of these types:

  • A pandas.Timestamp object.
  • A datetime.datetime object.
  • A ISO8601 formatted string.

It is mandatory to include the time zone and maximum precision is milliseconds.

Impulse methods

You can execute a function every time a metric is updated. We call this type of functions impulse methods.

To create impulse methods, simply add the @impulsemethod decorator to the function. You can pass the following parameters to the decorator:

  • uris: list with metrics uris we want to subscribe our method to.
  • data_reqs: it needs a DataRequirements object. With this parameter you set the method data requirements by uri.
  • min_exec_delta: min time between execs. By default, komlogd will run the method every time a metric is updated. With this parameter you can tell komlogd to run it at most once in min_exec_delta interval. The parameter needs a pandas.Timedelta object.

Here you can see how to create an impulse method:

from komlogd.api.impulse import impulsemethod

async def example():
    print('hello komlog.')

In this example, every time metrics cpu.system and cpu.user are updated, komlogd will run the function example. You can apply the @impulsemethod decorator to normal functions or coroutines.

An impulse method can fire an update to any metric in our data model. For this, the method must return a dictionary with the samples to send to Komlog:

from komlogd.api.impulse import impulsemethod
from komlogd.api.model.orm import DataRequirements, Datasource, Sample

@impulsemethod(uris=['cpu.system','cpu.user'], data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta('1h')))
def summary(ts, updated, data, others):
    for metric in updated:
        int_data=data[metric][ts-pd.Timedelta('60 min'):ts]
        stats = Datasource(uri='.'.join((metric.uri,'last_60min_stats')))
        sample = Sample(metric=stats, data=info, ts=ts)
    return result

In this example we subscribe our summary function to metrics cpu.system and cpu.user and make some operations over their last hour data. Finally, we fire updates to metrics cpu.system.last_60min_stats and cpu.user.last_60min_stats with the data obtained from that operations. This method will run every time cpu.system or cpu.user are updated.

Here, we explain the last example in detail:

  • First, we apply to our summary function the decorator @impulsemethod with these parameters:
    • uris=[‘cpu.system’,’cpu.user’]. We set the metrics the method is subscribed to.
    • data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta(‘1h’)). Here we indicate the method needs a data interval of 1h for each metric.
  • summary function receives some parameters (These parameters are optional. We have to declare them only if we need them.):
    • ts: pd.Timestamp object. The timestamp of the sample that fired the impulse method execution.
    • updated: list of metrics updated.
    • data: A dictionary whose keys are the subscribed metrics. Each value of the data dictionary is a pandas.Series object with the values of the metric.
    • others: list with metrics subscribed but not updated in this execution. updated + others will be all subscribed metrics.
  • In the first method line, we declare variable result. this variable is a dict with the key samples. In this key we will store the samples to fire after the method execution.

  • Next, for every updated metric we do:
    • Get the data from the last hour.
    • Store the result of applying the describe function to the data.(This function is from pandas module. It calculates some statistical values from a pandas.Series object).
    • Create a datasource whose uri is metric uri + .last_60min_stats, so we are creating cpu.system.last_60_min_stats and cpu.user.last_60_min_stats
    • Create a datasource Sample and set data and timestamp.
    • Append the sample to the samples key in the result dictionary.
  • Return the result dictionary with the samples to send to Komlog.

You can stack the impulsemethod decorator as many times as you need. An impulse method will be created each time the decorator is applied. So for the previous example, if we want to create impulse methods for two groups of metrics, we can decorate the function once per group instead of creating two functions for the same operation.

@impulsemethod(uris=['host1.cpu.system','host1.cpu.user'], data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta('1h')))
@impulsemethod(uris=['host2.cpu.system','host2.cpu.user'], data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta('1h')))
def summary(ts, updated, data, others):

Working with remote uris

Users can share metrics through Komlog in real time with other users.


You can share metrics through your Komlog configuration page. Keep in mind that metrics will always be shared read only and recursively, this means that if you share metric cpu.system every nested metric in the data model tree will be shared too, no matter if them already existed or not when the root metric was shared.

Sharing metrics read only means an impulse method cannot modify any remote metric, so if they return samples to update remote metrics, they will be dropped. Users can only modify their own data model.

With this functionality you can create applications based on distributed data models. The way to tell komlogd you want to subscribe to a remote uri is prepending the username to the local uri name:

remote_uri = 'user:uri'

For example, if user my_friend were sharing metrics host1.cpu, we could subscribe an impulse method to host1.cpu.system and host1.cpu.user this way:

@impulsemethod(uris=['my_friend:host1.cpu.system','my_friend:host1.cpu.user'], data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta('1h')))
def summary(ts, updated, data, others):

An impulse method can subscribe to both local and remote metrics:

uris = [

@impulsemethod(uris=uris, data_reqs=DataRequirements(past_delta=pd.Timedelta('1h')))
def summary(ts, updated, data, others):